The Exhibition Garden of Russia


Orchards blooming of orchards all over Russia and Chekhov’s world-famous drama form a bright, fragrant and mellow image of the authentic Russian orchard with shady corners and sunny grasslands.

The revolutionary improvement of urban parks in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Tula and Kaliningrad is a valuable experience that we are proud of, showing the modern Russia to the world. In any case, the Russian capital has overtaken New York and London, both considered cluster of parks, in greening levels.

The organizers of the Russian exhibition area make efforts to show that for centuries the residents of the country have not only been able to realize but also have enjoyed the gardens and park projects, from aristocratic manors to the Central Cultural Rest Park of the Soviet Union. Modern Russia actively develops green innovation, which helps to cultivate gardens and vegetable crops that can withstand natural disasters, carefully use the soil, and obtain the most unique delicious fruit from nature.
